Price: FREE
    Out of Stock Quantity: 0

    We usually pay folks to sort our once-fired hulls to make sure that they are all in tip-top condition. However, we are just too busy right now to worry about sorting. So, we'll pay you to sort them! Included in these hulls are what we classify as Class-A, Class-B, and Class-C. This latest batch has a ton of premium hulls included.

    These hulls are mixed classes, which means that you will be getting some hulls that aren't very pretty. This includes:

    • Corrosion
    • Twice-fired hulls (different primers)
    • Dents
    • missing primers

    You will get a portion of nice hulls and you'll also get some crummy ones too. Many of the hulls are somewhere in between.

    If you are looking for perfect hulls, please don't buy these hulls.